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PowerBuilder - Load html as string example


The load html as string demo as the following code in the open event:


event open;// create the WebView2 control on opening


infotext.text = "~r~nLoads the displayed data from a string, the context menu and developers mode have been disabled."

// example on how you can unlock the control once you acquired a license.

edgewebbrowser.Object.UnlockControl("ExampleCompany", "WI5PO2-2KSU3Q-HWFXFU-IUMU2V-QF8P2F")

end event


This creates the WebView2 control via CreateWebView, then it sets the text of the "tooltip" control at the bottom of the screen and it's followed by an example of how you can register the control if you have bought a license.


Once the WebView2 control is loaded, it will trigger the OnCreateWebViewCompleted event and that's where we handle the rest.


event oncreatewebviewcompleted(long hresult);string ls_FilePath


// disable right click menu

object.DefaultContextMenusEnabled = False

//  No F12 either

object.DevToolsEnabled = False


string ls_Path

string ls_HtmlFile


ls_Path = strGetPowerBuilderDemoPath()

ls_HtmlFile = ls_Path + "\html\flipCard3D.html"


// Make sure the source exists so that we fail gracefully if it cannot be found.

if not FileExists(ls_HtmlFile) then

 MessageBox("Test", "Internal Error: HTML file " + ls_HtmlFile + " does not exist.")


end if


// Read the html from the file into a string

integer li_FileNum

string ls_Html

long ll_FLength


ll_FLength = FileLength64(ls_HtmlFile)

li_FileNum = FileOpen(ls_HtmlFile, &


IF ll_FLength < 32767 THEN

      FileReadEx(li_FileNum, ls_Html)




end event


We disable the right click menu (DefaultContextMenuEnabled) and turn off the developer tools (DevToolsEnabled) so that the user can no longer "peek behind the scenes".

Next up we locate the html file we want to load.

Read that file into a string ls_html and once that is done, we display the html via NavigateToString.


AntView - The MS Edge WebView2 ActiveX control Date last changed: 09/30/2024